Thursday, December 30, 2010

Changes in Hours of Service For Truck Drivers/ CSA 2010 ramifications

The FMCSA has been busy this month. The new proposed hours of service rules have now been released. There is not much that was changed. While the hours have been reduced to 13 hours, a driver can now take a one hour rest and then continue to complete 14 hours of service. The 34 hour restart rule also applies, provided that there are 2 rest periods – from midnight to 6 a.m. A restart will only be allowed once in a seven day period. The proposed regulations will not be open for public comment curiously.

It will be interesting to see how CSA 2010 grades hours of service non-compliance and what insurance carriers do about it.

It is early days with CSA where in the first days the system had 22,000(!) hits in one hour. Nobody knows what percentage of truckers are getting alerts for failing BASIC scores.

Happy New Year to all!